Get Creative with your Wedding Plans

So, you’ve got engaged, the ring is bought, and a date set. You’re probably rapidly realising that planning a wedding is an epic affair, and one where spending on your creative ideas can quickly spiral out of control if you’re not careful.

There are plenty of ways to save money by putting your own skills to good use. Here are Manor By The Lake’s top tips for adding a personal and creative touch to your wedding day.

Creative Invitations

Creating your own invitations can save you loads, and also gives you the option to create something beautiful and unique to you. There are plenty of kits available online where you can purchase everything you need to create beautiful invites, even if your creative skills are limited. Choose a style, agree on the wording, and then all you need to do is assemble the ribbon, lace, belly band and detailing by hand.

Or, online printers give you the opportunity to personalise a set template by choosing colours, fonts, and paper and envelopes that fit your scheme. You just need to upload the wording, and they will do the rest.

Finally, why not do away with printed invitations all together with a paperless option? This is a cost effective and environmentally sound choice that even removes the cost of postage!

Table Numbers

There are hundreds of ways to create table numbers or names without breaking the bank. Why not handwrite your table names or numbers, then position them in an old wine cork, pine cone or even an apple. These can be spray painted gold, silver or any colour that fits with your scheme.

Printed numbers and names can be created simply and easily from home, or created with wire, card or modelling clay. Why not use empty jam jars tied with ribbon and a printed card tag, or empty bottles of your favourite spirit?

Plant pots, bottles and cans can provide endless options for personalisation and can be painted, wrapped in ribbon, or covered in hessian for a rustic look.

Creative Favours

If you Mum makes a mean sloe gin, or your sister is a dab hand at illustrating, then you can enlist their skills when it comes to creating gifts for each of your guests.

If not, don’t worry… there are plenty of personal options that are cheap and easy to create. What about a CD of your favourite music, including the playlist from your wedding? Or perhaps create bags of sweets with personalised labels or a favourite quote?

Bags of seeds, pencils, herbs and cookies are all cheap to buy but can be customised and packaged to add a personal twist. Don’t feel obliged to go over the top with favours either. They’re a nice memento of the day, but by no means an essential element.

Place Settings

Gone are the days of simple white tent cards handwritten with everyone’s name! Today, anything goes. We’ve seen slate place mats with names handwritten in chalk, bunches of herbs with ribbon and card tags, and even individual miniature bottles of gin with guest’s names printed on the label.

The world is your oyster so get creative and think about ways that you can make unique and memorable place settings that will get people talking. There are lots of materials that you can scavenge for free such as leaves, feathers and pebbles to add a natural twist to your place names.  Or if you’re an enthusiastic baker, why not ice individual biscuits for each guest? Just remember to take into consideration the number of guests before your plans become too ambitious. Something intricate and time-consuming is fine for an intimate wedding with only 25 guests, but may get a little tiresome if your guest list tops 200!

Creative Cakes

There’s something wonderfully reassuring about a home-baked cake and all its imperfections! Don’t get fixated on a vision of patisserie perfection if your aunt makes the meanest Victoria sponge you’ve ever tasted! It’s not the Great British Bake Off! If you’ve got a friend or relative that loves to bake, then this is their moment to shine!

If you don’t have anyone able to bake you a cake, consider swapping a traditional 3 tier creation for a cheaper option if you’re trying to find ways to save money. Cupcakes, macarons, and doughnuts can be stacked to look like a tiered cake, and are normally a more cost effective option than a traditional iced wedding cake. If budget is


Homemade bunting, coloured bottles, and spray painted fruit can all be created at home in the run-up to your big day. Enlist the help of friends and family – why not hold craft evenings where everyone gets together over a bottle (or three) of wine, to thread cones, paint feathers, or mould Papier-mâché balloons? If you give yourself plenty of time, you’ll enjoy these get-togethers, and it will give you a chance to catch up with people and share the excitement of the build up to your wedding with the people closest to you.

If we’ve fired your enthusiasm, why not talk to our fabulous wedding planners at Manor By The Lake to find out what other creative tips we’ve got up our sleeves.  And while you’re at it, why not arrange a private tour of our stunning country manor house? Give us a call on 01242 245 071 or email [email protected] find out more.


LAST CALL for Saturday 16th August - our last and only Saturday available for the remainder of 2025!

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